Wednesday, 20 March 2013


Cutting Loose in Room 10 from Team 3 PES on Vimeo.


  1. Hi Room Ten your moive was asome it was nice to have that in your blog keep up the good work room ten and tell your teacher to make a new movie about room ten.From samoa

  2. Hi room 10 I Like your movie because Tareek did some cool moovs plese do your hair nice and clean by Lanzie

  3. Love your movie - we didn't realise you had so many groovy movers in your class. Looking forward to more!
    From Noah's Mum and Dad

  4. Room 10 - you totally rock!!!!
    Miss Nalder shared your fantastic dance video with us during the holidays and we think you are awesome!!!!
    Keep up the great work!!!! - Maree P


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