Thursday, 27 June 2013

Going to the zoo.

When we went to school we put our names tags on and sat on the mat. And there the parents helpers were in front of us with our teacher. Then we went in the Breeze with the other teachers. We got on the bus and me and Noah and Ajani were sitting together. We saw a big boat in the city.
Then we got out of the bus.
We looked at the zebras and they were drinking water, then they started to run away.
My best one was the meer cat tunnel. Me and Ajani and Noah and Mitchell went through. There were some ladders to climb. When we got out we went to see the apes. We saw one under the bridge and one on top. We went to have a sit down then our leader asked if we wanted to go to the park. We said yes!

By Simon


  1. I liked the Meer Cat tunnels too Simon, although I nearly got stuck when I went through! We had such a wonderful day at the zoo. It was lovely that your mum could come along too!

  2. Well done little bro. I am proud of you that you wrote 13 sentience. you could of wrote 3 paragraphs.

    WELL DONE! Michael


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